
来源: 99时尚网  日期:2019-08-13 11:14:57
  With every new season, along with the new weather comes a slough of new trending bags. From silhouettes to fabrics, trims and ways to style them, Spring Summer 2019’s trending bag styles are some of the most exciting styles we’ve seen in a while! There’s no better way to upgrade your outfit and transition into the new season than to accessorize with a new purse or tote bag. Super versatile, there’s a bag for every style and personal taste from day to evening. Here’s our take on the It Bags you’ll fall head over ballet flats for and how to get the most out of the style!

  随着季节的变化,新款潮包出现了。从造型到面料,从饰边到搭配方法, 2019春夏最激动人心的潮包已崭露头角。对于打造新面貌和用于季节过渡,没有比能用上新的钱包或手提包更好的办法了。总有一款多用途的,适用于各个风格和个人品味的包。以下是我们对你将为之倾倒的It Bags(必备包款)的看法,以及如何充分利用起这一风格。

  Graphic Printed Bags 图形印花包



  Graphic and quirky prints are such a hot trend in everything from womenswear to kidswear and now accessories! The more banal the motif the better, think pineapples, foxes, coffee cups and of course, out favorite, the strawberry print from Gucci. Even if this kitchy style isn’t really what you usually gravitate towards, a bag like this can make an amazing statement when paired with a contrasting style of outfit. Take a leaf out of Gucci’s book, they’ve accessorized their strawberry handbag with an evening rocker, super fringed outfit. In theory the two should never work together and yet this pairing is a match made in heaven because of their contrasting vibes.

  为了证明这些图案包包既适用于白天也适用于晚上,且适用于任何类型的服装,我们希望看到一些高街品牌会进行效仿。不要忘了,这样的印花自成一派的时候状态最好,所以尽量不要与你的着装美学相匹配,否则你将面临被误认为在Cath Kidston(一家英国国际家居连锁零售店,主售妇女、家居、婴幼儿的服装、包类及礼品等)工作的风险。

  Proving these motif bags can work for both day and night and for any kind of outfit, we hope to see some high street brands following suit. Don’t forget, this kind of print looks best when it’s a statement so try not to match the aesthetic in your outfit or you’ll run the risk of looking like you work at Cath Kidston.

  Opulent Belt Bags奢华腰包


  奢华的别致腰包是本季腰包系列的正确答案。在秀场上,这些腰包被传统地绕于腰间或斜挎于身上,无论哪种方式都无比曼妙,并不像那些我们印象中的90年代原色系带有防水拉链的腰包。如果想尝试简约风,那么皮革或人造皮革可以增其华美质感,链条则增添了些许晚装魅力,且在白天时穿戴也毫无问题。 这一季的腰包最令人称道的地方是它的实用性与安全性。你可以随时看住自己的包,确保它们远离扒手,在旅途中还能解放双手。关于这种风格的包的另一重点是,它适用于所有年龄段的女性(和男性!)。你将找到适合Z世代 (欧美流行语,1990中-2000年后出生的人) 充满生气的风格,和属于婴儿潮一代(1946-1964年之间出生的人)的更多端庄娴静的风格,还有中间的被千禧一代(1982-2000出生的人)所喜爱的一切!

  The opulent belt bag is this season’s answer to the bum bag or fanny pack. On the runway they were worn traditionally around the waist or diagonally across the body, either way, they look ultra fabulous unlike the waterproof zipper bum bags in vibrant primary colors we all remember vividly from the 90’s. Leather or faux leather styles are a great way to add opulence when you love minimal styles and chain strap adds some evening glamour yet will still look flawless for day time wear. The most amazing thing about this season’s belt bag is its practicality and security. You can see your bag at all times ensuring it’s kept out of reach of pick pockets and it allows for a hands-free journey. Another great point about this style of bag is that it can work for women (and men!) of all ages. You’ll find vibrant, dynamic styles for Gen Z’ers and more demure styles for the Baby Boomers with everything else in between that Millennials will adore!

  Luscious Lanyards甘美的挂脖袋


  本季的挂脖袋真的就像英国的吐司酱Marmite,你要么喜爱它,要么就是讨厌它。 起初看到一个包袋挂在脖子上似乎有些奇怪,但越这么看它,咱就越是莫名地喜欢它。它就像是一条长项链上挂着件新玩意儿,只不过这个新玩意儿还有点实际的功能。这种情况下,自然是袋子越小越好,你总不会想有个大尺寸的包勒你的脖子吧。它们就是一个免提版本的手拿包或小肩包,不会在你移动的时候到处滑动。 为了保留其作为有功能性的挂饰,使用链带是最佳的方式,我们特别喜爱这种具装饰效果的晚装款,还有那些迷你的皮革款。

  The lanyard bag trend of this season is definitely like the English toast spread Marmite; you’ll either love it or hate it! At first it might seem slightly strange to see a bag being worn the neck but the more we look at it, the more we love it. It’s like a new take on long line necklaces only these have built in functionality. The smaller the better in this case, you wouldn’t want to strain your neck with an oversized one but they are the perfect alternative to a hand free version of a clutch bag or a small shoulder bag that won’t keep slipping off as you move. To keep that element of functional jewelry, chain straps are best and we can’t get enough of both the embellished evening styles as well as the minimal leather ones.

  XXL Bags 特大款包包



  On the flip side, the XXL bag as its name suggests should be larger than life, the bigger the better! If you’ve been skipping arm day at the gym, you might want to get back on that in order to pull off this trend. Although potentially cumbersome and obstructive, it is actually a very flattering look, making you entire body shrink in comparison to your gigantic purse. Of course, it will hold more than just your basics, giving it a lot of potential for a weekender bag or those days when you need to bring your laptop, a camera or other large equipment with you on your journey. There are infinite ways to carry the XXL bag from slung over your shoulder, to hand held through a strap, pinched at the end like a knotted blanket or even tucked under the arm provided it isn’t too heavy.


  Although a little outrageous, it is a breath of fresh air after the surge around teeny tiny bags. It also says a lot about how the fashion industry is viewing women. If you really read into what a small bag symbolizes, it says that this woman doesn’t have anything she could possibly need to bring with her aside from a lipstick and maybe a key to her home. In reality, this just doesn’t fly, we’re independent women these days, we’re mothers who work full time, we’re business owners balancing a relationship, kids and a side hustle….and all of this means we need to carry a lot more around with us than just a top up of lipstick! Thank you fashion industry for relating to real women for once!

  上海大学巴黎国际时装艺术学院(Shanghai University - MOD'ART International),成立于2003年,被外界誉为”上海时装界的黄埔军校“,是国内第一个在上海创办的中法合作时装设计学院,国内率先引进奢侈品营销与管理专业。受到中国服装协会、中国服装设计师协会、中国国际贸易促进会纺织行业分会等专业社会团体的支持。